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Educated Cambridge University 1952 – 1958, BA l955, Ph.D. 1959
Research in genetics and cell biology at the following Institutes:
John Innes Institute, Hertford, UK, 1958 – 1965
National Institute for Medical Research, Mill Hill, London, 1965-1988
CSIRO Molecular Sciences, North Ryde, Sydney, 1988-1997
Innumerable publications in scientific journals, and author of five books. Devised a DNA
recombination intermediate, now known as the “Holliday Structure” (or junction).
Elected Fellow of the Royal Society, London, 1976, and
Fellow of the Australian Academy of Science, 2005.
Listed in Who’s Who, UK and Australia.
Lived in Palestine, UK, Sri Lanka, South Africa, Gibraltar, USA and Australia. Travelled extensively
in Europe, North America, India and Japan.
Studied in classes at Hertford and London, 1960 – l975
Plaster, clay, wood, stone and metal
From l998 has worked in Sydney, in bronze and mixed media.
Group exhibitions:
Parliament House, l999 – 2000
Darling Park, 2000 – 2007
Renaissance Hotel, 2001
Soho Gallery Sydney, 1999 – present
Gallery Aniela, Kangaroo Valley, 2000 – present
Gannon House Gallery, Sydney 1999 – 2004
Thursday Plantation Sculpture Park, Ballina. 2001 – 2002
Gallery 460, Gosford, 2002 -present
Coles Investment Gallery, Kenthurst, 2002 – present
Bell Gallery, Berrima, 2002
Royal Easter Show, Sydney, 2000 -2004
The Forest Gallery, South Durras, 2004-2006
Australia Square, 2004 -2007
Katoomba Fine Art, 2005-present
2005 to 2014 Group sculpture exhibitions at SOHO GALLERIES, Sydney
As well as exhibiting and selling in galleries in and around Sydney, Robin sold bronzes abroad.
USA: Seattle, Berkeley (California), Albany (New York state), Texas, and Kentucky. Four in the
UK: Cambridge, London, Sussex, Hertford. I have also donated sculptures, for example, to
Macquarie University, the Childrens Medical Research Institute, Westmead, and the Royal
Society, London.