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(1966 – 2011)
Matt Carney was a young sculptor with a broad scope of talent. His work had become greatly sought after here in Australia. Matt specialised in mild steel works as well as lost wax bronze.

In his early training Matt completed a Bachelor of Fine Art at the University of Tasmania majoring in both sculpture and painting. He then apprenticed himself to the well known Australian sculptor Stephen Walker as an assistant in bronze casting. During this time Matt also completed several major public works and maintained his own studio.

The nineties found Matt in London where the theatricality of his sculpture background was recognised by Sir Richard Branson and he was hired as a creative consultant to design and fit out the interiors of Branson’s Voyager Club empire. Matt returned to Tasmania in 1996 and established a working studio.

He had been selling nationally at galleries such as, Handmark Gallery and Red Chapel Gallery in Hobart. Code Red Gallery in Perth, Soho Galleries in Sydney and Delshan Gallery and Artefact in Melbourne.

Due to his commercial success this had been the first opportunity for Matthew to create a coherent body of work as a show and as he has built his own foundry this year, has incorporated lost wax bronzes into his repertoire.
Collections included are Arts Tasmania, Leonard Bernstein Collection NYC, Richard Branson Collection, London and private collections in America, Japan, England and Singapore.