Parang & Green Apples – 95x65cm

Parang & Green Apples – 95x65cm

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Alison Mitchell

Original Artwork
Oil on Linen
95x65cm (framed)

“it is usually some visual nuace that entices me to paint, a particular combination of colour, of light, or an unusual tonal contrast. It is the roundness and sheen of fruit, the compositional possibilities of a landscape… it is seeing the world anew, with fresh eyes.”  Alison Mitchell

Alison Mitchell
Australian Artist

Alison Mitchell Hannaford is a visual artist based in regional South Australia.

“My work centres on the still life tradition of domestic objects, intentionally arranged and composed in the studio. It is an old tradition, deeply embedded in the practice of carefully observed painting from life. It demands attentiveness to the agency of art making – to the fall of light, the intersection of shadows, of elation and uncertainty and, particularly, to the weft and warp of what is known and what is seen.”

Alison graduated from the University of Adelaide with a first class honours in Anthropology and this, along with studies in Asian art and decades of life drawing, informs her practice. Living with her husband, artist Robert Hannaford on their property near Riverton in the mid north of SA it is often the fruit and produce of their garden that becomes subject matter along with regular ‘en plein air’ painting trips. Her works are signed ‘Alison Mitchell’, although she is known by her married name, Alison Mitchell Hannaford.

Alison has been a finalist in a number of national art awards including the Portia Geach Memorial Portrait Prize, The EMSLA – Eutick Memorial National still life Award, the Doug Moran Portrait Prize, the Heysen Landscape Prize, the Fleurieu Landscape Prize and the Fleurieu Food and Wine Art Prize and exhibits regularly in and around Adelaide.