art phil stallard painting

Sound of the See – Phil Stallard



December 5-21

150 Edgecliff Rd, Woollahra NSW
SOHOgalleries, Sydney

Phil Stallard – 2024 Solo Exhibition
Sound of the See 

Over the last 3 month Phil’s memories and experiences have been externalized across 30 paintings. Each a unique interpretation of a moment or journey. An emotional abstractionist – Phil masterfully captures the essence of a location. Selecting the elements that resonated with him most to emphasise on the canvas. Viewpoints shift, Horizons distinct & the colour of the sea, the sunlight, or the distant jacarandas become the focus

The theme of water has been a prominent reference point for Phil, of which he further draws upon personal experience of Sydney, the Hawkesbury & Road trips into the high country. With an aptitude to push the genre of landscape painting through an interplay between abstraction and realism, Philip’s strength is found in the ability to balance a colouristic rigor, spontaneous mark marking with careful consideration for geometric compositions.

There exists a playful element to each work, whether it be the strength of colour palette that radiates excitement or the presence of elements structural wayfinding through lettering, signage, symbolism offering a sense of humanness to each piece


Meet the Artist & Opening Event
with Live Music

Saturday 7th,  3-6pm

art phil stallard painting

“Phil Stallard interprets the landscape as a fluid medium where personal references and memories are submerged to create colourist harmony. His paintings are reduced to distillations of memories. He uses motifs to signify events submerged in colour fields.”   – Savah Hatzis

“There is a ‘total experience’ in a Stallard painting, a similar notion that no part of the painting is bland, or subordinate, or to be passed over Stallard’s work is very painterly indeed. His oil-paint is applied with a fluid lushness, a sensuousness…”  – Peter Pinson